
Retrieve ACS Data


getcensus {variable IDs, table ID, or keyword} [, options]
Variable IDs If a list of variable IDs is specified, the variables must come from tables that share the same product type (Data Profile, Subject Table, Comparison Profile, or Detailed Table). For information about ACS tables and product types, see Table IDs Explained on the Census Bureau website. Do not not suffix variable IDs with “E” (for estimate) or “M” (for margin of error).
Table ID Only a single table ID may be specified.
Keyword A curated set of variables. See Keywords.


For a complete description of options, see Options.


years(numlist) year(s) to retrieve; default is the most recent available.

sample(integer) 1, 3, or 5; default is 1.

geography(string) geography to retrieve; default is state.

key(string) your Census Bureau API key.

nolabel(string) do not label variables with associated metadata from the API data dictionary.

noerror do not retrieve margins of error associated with estimates.

saveas(filename) save retrieved data as a Stata dataset.

exportexcel if saveas() is specified, also save retrieved data as an Excel spreadsheet.

replace if saveas() is specified, overwrite existing files.

clear replace the data in memory, even if the current data have not been saved to disk.

browse browse the retrieved data in the Data Editor after getcensus completes.

Geography Options

statefips(string) state FIPS codes of states to retrieve; default is usually all.

countyfips(string) county FIPS codes of counties to retrieve; default is usually all.

geoids(string) GEOIDs of geographies to retrieve; default is usually all.

geocomponents(string) geographic component codes of geographies to retrieve.

Advanced Options

cachepath(string) customize where getcensus caches API data dictionaries.

Search the API Data Dictionary


getcensus catalog [, options]


For a complete description of options, see Options.


years(numlist) year(s) to retrieve; default is latest available.

sample(integer) 1, 3, or 5; default is 1.

product(string) load the API data dictionary for estimates of given product type.

table(string) load the API data dictionary for estimates in a given table.

search(string) load the API data dictionary for estimates with descriptions matching a search term.

clear replace the data in memory, even if the current data have not been saved to disk.

browse browse the retrieved data in the Data Editor after getcensus completes.

Advanced Options

cachepath(string) customize where getcensus caches API data dictionaries.

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