
v 0.2.9

New installation URL

cbppstatautils is now hosted at “”.

To install cbppstatautils, or to update to version 0.2.9, run:

net install cbppstatautils, from("") replace

After installing version 0.2.9, future updates can be installed with:

cbppstatautils, update

New documentation website

New commands

  • generate_ind_sector_var generates an industry sector variable in ACS or CPS microdata (#22).

  • generate_occ_group_var generates an occupation group variable in ACS or CPS microdata (#22).

  • copy_curl downloads files from a URL using curl, optionally providing a user-specified user-agent in the HTTP header.

  • labeler replaces labeller. labeller is still available as an alias for labeler. The command gains a lblname() option for users to specify the name of the value label to use; default is “varname_lbl”.


  • get_cpiu falls back to copy_curl if the BLS denies the file download and gains option user_agent() to pass to copy_curl (#23).

  • load_data now supports loading ACS SPM datasets (#21) and 2021-2022 SNAP QC datasets. load_data now suggests updating cbppstatautils if an unsupported data year is specified (#20).

  • svyset_acs option multiyear() has been renamed n_years(). multiyear() is still available as an alias for n_years().

  • categorize gains two new options for controlling value labels. lblname() specifies the name of the value label to create and nformat() specifies the numeric display format to use in value labels.

  • generate_race_var produces more readable value labels. Acronyms and abbreviations have been replaced with full words (for example, “Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander” replacing “NHOPI”) and capitalization has been changed to sentence case.

  • Some small under-the-hood changes and formatting fixes have been made.

v 0.2.2

  • load_data messages and help file are clearer about the year for CPS ASEC files #17
  • Bug fixes: #18, #19,

v 0.2.1

  • Bug fixes: #16

v 0.2.0

  • load_data supports loading the March 2021 CPS.
  • Bug fixes: #9, #13

v 0.1.9

This release includes breaking changes.


  • get_acs_pums now uses label_acs_pums to label data by default. It also displays an error message to the user if unzipping the retrieved files fails.
  • load_data now supports if and datasets(pulse). When dataset(acs), serialno is de-stringed only when loading data for a range of years that spans the variable type change. Previously, serialno was de-stringed if any of the years in years() were 2018 and later. De-stringing is now faster; it is implemented with real() instead of destring.
  • get_cpiu labels variables (if merge or replace is specified).
  • svyset_acs_pums now supports multi-year average weights for use in a dataset of multiple 1-year ACS samples appended together.

Breaking changes

  • generate_acs_major_group has been removed from the package.

v 0.1.8

Support for 2020 March CPS in load_data.

v 0.1.7

Bug fixes to get_acs_pums and make_cbpp_profile.

v 0.1.6

Enhancement to load_data: Support SNAP QC datasets.

v 0.1.5

Bug fixes to load_data and generate_aian_var.

v 0.1.4

This release includes breaking changes (*).

  • Help files: Formatting fixes and minor edits.
  • Error messages: More consistent with Stata’s base error messages and less verbose.
  • *Syntax change to svyset_acs: User must specify not to use replicate weights instead of the reverse (nosdrweights option replaces rep_weights).
  • *Syntax change to get_acs_pums: Option keep_all replaces keep_csv; is equivalent to keep_zip plus keep_csv.
  • Enhancement to get_acs_pums: Results messages now include hyperlinks to the file paths so users can click to open the directory in File Explorer/Finder.
  • Bug fix to load_data: Does not attempt to destring serialno for 2018 file if user specifies vars() that do not include serialno.
  • Change to cbppstatautils, update: Runs ado update instead of net install to avoid potential double-installation.
  • *Enhancement and bug fix to inspect_2: For users specifying multiple variables, allows specifying the names of results matrix for each in matrix(), which replaces the save option. If a category (negative, zero, positive, missing) does not appear in the data, it will be shown as a row containing 0 in frequency and percent, and missing in mean, min, and max.
  • Enhancement to get_cpiu: For users specifying the merge option, allow user to specify name of variable in memory that contains the year in yearvarname() option.
  • Enhancement to etotal: Allow user to specify confidence level in level() option.
  • *Replace make_acs_pums_lbls with label_acs_pums: New command generates label .do file, places it in the package cache files, and runs it on data in memory. Previous command required user to choose where to place the label .do file and then proactively run it.
  • New command make_cbpp_profile: Sets up standard data team