
Tools for CBPP staff

Load data from CBPP’s datasets library into memory.

This command is only useful for CBPP staff.


load_data loads CPS, ACS, ACS SPM, SNAP QC, or Household Pulse Survey microdata from a CBPP datasets library into memory.

To use load_data, first:

  • Sync the datasets library to your laptop.

  • Add CBPP’s global macros to your profile.do with make_cbpp_profile.

Multiple years of data may be loaded at once by specifying a list of years to the years() option. Variable and value labels from the maximum year will be retained.

When loading multiple years of ACS data, if the range of years() spans the introduction of string characters to serialno in 2018, serialno will be edited (“00” and “01” will be substituted for “HU” and “GQ”, respectively) and destringed.


load_data dataset [if], years(numlist) [options]

where dataset is one of “cps”, “acs”, “acs-spm”, “qc”, or “pulse” (case insensitive).

Option Description
years(numlist) Year(s) of data to load. When dataset is “cps”, years() refers to the survey (data release) year.
vars(varlist) Variables to load; default is all.
weeks(numlist) Alias for years(); for use when dataset is “pulse”.
period(integer) With dataset “qc” and year(2020), period of data to load: 1 for the pre-pandemic period or 2 for the waiver period.
saveas(filename) Save dataset to file.
replace When saveas() is specified, replace existing dataset.
clear Replace the data in memory, even if the current data have not been saved to disk.


Load March 2023 CPS ASEC microdata.

load_data cps, year(2023)

Load a subset of variables from ACS microdata for 2019, 2021, and 2022.

load_data acs, years(2019 2021/2022) vars(serialno sporder st agep povpip pwgtp)

Load SNAP QC microdata for 2019.

load_data qc, years(2019)

Load Household Pulse Survey microdata for weeks 61-63.

load_data pulse, weeks(61/63)