
Data exploration and transformation

Create and attach variable and value labels in one step.


labeler is a shortcut command to label a variable and define and attach value labels in one go.

Labeling a variable and its values with built-in commands involves several steps:

label variable sex "Sex assigned at birth" 
label define sex_lbl 1 "Male" 2 "Female"
label values sex sex_lbl

Using labeler:

labeler sex, variable("Sex assigned at birth") values(1 "Male" 2 "Female")

labeler can also be used to “zap” variable and value labels from a variable, by specifying the remove option.


labeler varname, [variable(string)] [values(string)] [options]
Option Description
variable(string) Variable label for varname.
values(string) Value labels for varname, following the same syntax as label define: # “label” [# “label” …]
lblname(string) Name of the value label to use. Default is “varname_lbl”.
add Add value labels in values() to varname’s existing value label.
modify Use value labels in values() to modify or delete existing # to label correspondences or add new correspondences to varname’s existing value label.
remove Remove variable labels and detach value labels from varname. Value labels will not be dropped from the dataset.