
Data exploration and transformation

Summary statistics for positive, zero, negative, and missing values.


A cross between summarize and inspect, inspect_2 gives the frequency of positive, zero, negative, and missing values in a variable, as well as the mean, minimum, and maximum value of a variable within those categories and overall.

Results may be stored in a matrix (or matrices, if varlist is multiple variables) by specifying matrix name(s) to matrix().


inspect_2 varlist [if] [weight], [options]
Option Description
matrix(matname) Store results in matrix matname. If multiple variables are specified in varlist, a list of matrix names in which to store the results.

fweights and iweights are allowed.


Inspect a single variable

inspect_2 thnetworth

Inspect multiple variables, storing the results in matrices.

inspect_2 pincp_adj pernp_adj, matrix(pincp_mat pernp_mat)