
Data exploration and transformation

Flexible counts and totals.


An extension of total, etotal produces either totals or counts, depending on what the user has specified.

If weights are specified, or if data are svyset and the svy option is specified, standard errors and confidence intervals are included.


Count of observations

etotal [if] [weight] [, options]

Total of existing variable

etotal varname [if] [weight] [, options]

Total of expression

etotal exp [if] [weight] [, options]
Option Description
over(varname) Group over subpopulations defined by varname.
svy Adjust the results for survey settings identified by svyset.
level(#) Set confidence level; default is level(95).
cformat(%fmt) Specifies how to format estimates, standard errors, and confidence limits; default is cformat(%14.0fc).
matrix(matname) Save results in matrix matname.

fweights, iweights, and pweights are allowed.


Weighted count of observations

etotal [iw=wgtp]

Total of existing variable

etotal hincp if relp == 0 [iw=wgtp]

Total of existing variable, data is svyset

etotal hincp, svy

Total of expression, saving results in matrix

etotal hincp / 1000 [iw=wgtp], matrix(tot_hh_inc_thous)