
Data exploration and transformation

Create a categorical variable from a continuous one.


categorize is a shortcut and extension of egen newvar = cut(args) [...], icodes.

Unlike egen with the cut() function, categorize:

  • Does not require the user to include the minimum and the maximum value of the continuous variable in the list of breaks.

  • Creates more descriptive value labels for the generated categorical variable. Users can specify a variable label for the new variable.

  • Allows users working with age or poverty ratio variables to use “default” breaks.


categorize varname, generate(newvar) {breaks(numlist)|default(string)} [options]
Option Description
generate(newvar) Name of the categorical variable to be generated.
breaks(numlist) Left-hand ends of the grouping intervals. Do not include the minimum or the maximum value of varname. Either breaks() or default() must be specified.
default(string) Use default breaks; “age” or “povratio”. For default("age"), these are 18 and 65. For default("povratio"), these are 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250. Cannot be combined with breaks().
lblname(string) Name of value label to create; default is “varname_lbl”. Ignored if nolabel is specified.
nformat(%fmt) Numeric format to use in value labels; default is %13.0gc. Ignored if nolabel is specified.
nolabel Do not assign value labels to newvar.
varlabel(string) Variable label for newvar.


Using user-specified breaks.

categorize pincp_adj, generate(pincp_cat) breaks(25000 50000 100000)

Using default breaks.

categorize agep, generate(age_cat) default("age") varlabel("Age group")